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Paras Tv

Some Basic Information About Jain Dharma

Some Basic Information About Jain Dharma

Jainism is also known as Jain dharma is an Indian religion, tracing its history and spiritual ideas through a legacy of twenty-four Tirthankaras or leaders. Jainism is an ancient non-theistic religion that originated in India. It instills nonviolence and compassion for all living things. Jains claim that redemption can be achieved through successive lives of perfection. There are great teachers of Jainism, and by listening to them you can get an insight into the great Jain philosophy. Fasting to the point of death in Jainism A limited number of Jains fast to the point of death. This practice, known as santhara, is considered Jain extremism. Such devotees forego their physical life in order to save all beings from misery. Though it is not an illegal practice in India, it is fraught with controversy. What Jainism preaches? Both souls, according to Jainism, are similar. Since different species have different karmas, you should treat all living beings with reverence and compassion and avoid harming them. To achieve nirvana, one must be free of all bad karma as well as all good karma, according to Jainism. You can read books written by Gyan sagar ji maharaj to get a deep insight into the profound Jain philosophy. Simple living of Jain clergy Have you ever seen a Jain devotee? You would probably be amazed knowing that Jains walk barefoot and with a small broom in order to avoid crushing insects. Many Jains cover their mouths with a piece of cloth (muhapattis) to avoid irritating nearby microorganisms in the air with their warm breath. What about Jain literature There is no longer a Jain canon, according to the Digambara sect of Jainism. The council of Pataliputra was held in order to collect the most important Jain literature, but it was unsuccessful. Previously, Jain doctrine and teachings were passed down by oral tradition. If you are interested in learning more about Jainism, you can consider attending Sudhasagar ji maharaj ke pravachan.